The Core Set – What is it?
While I was teaching at Stoke this year, showing educators how to get young people to really embrace Unreal Engine 5 and learn Game Development, I realised that the accessibility of training that just shows how to make a game end to end did not exist in an easy to watch and understand manner. Sure there are tutorials by experienced people such as the excellent tutorials on the YouTube channel Epic Games themselves manages for Unreal Engine, however if you are looking to come in as a complete novice to the system then you may have more problems. After teaching the really lovely people at Stoke and its surrounding areas, I offered to create a support lessons pack so that they would have additional reference after the classes. That in turn evolved into this Core UE5 set. So what is it? Simply put this is the core learning set for making a game. Using this thirteen part set, you can follow it end to end in a day or two and start making a game, quickly and effectively. I didn't want to make something using basic assets as it is hard to get peopel to pay attention if they are not engrossed in the project, so I decided to use my own assets and also the excellent assets provided by Epic Games via Megascans, which are always free if you are using Unreal Engine 5. So what is next? Well - to educators and learners of all levels the Core set will always be free. Now and forever. I will be adding segments to it for functionality that people will find useful, and I encourage people to join our Discord if they would like to find out more or suggest things to add. You can find our discord by clicking the link in the menu above! In the meantime please rest…