What is Cris up to today? Well – today I worked out that after two years I had my Samson G Track Pro microphone upside down. Probably an important thing as its a cartoid mic and directional and was basically pointed at my keyboard. The first video today is me before I realised. Video two is me trying it the other way. Its still a little muted for my liking as I like nice sharp sounds because Im a deaf bugger, however its getting there. hopefully Reddit won’t be quite so confused by how quiet things are next time!
So – here I was talking about importing 6 gigs of audio assets from Mr Phillip Goddard’s excellent soundscape collection. It really is a gem for a project like this and I look forward to demonstrating it shortly.
And this is the realisation and the hope its a little clearer… Fingers crossed.
I compared the two – the second is a lot clearer and less bassy – with the added bonus that the cartiod isn’t aimed directly at my damned keyboard (extra clicky!)